2005. augusztus. 18. 14:29 hvg.hu Utolsó frissítés: 2005. augusztus. 18. 15:03 English version

Sziget closes with record numbers

The Sziget is likely to set a new record this year. According to the organisers, the 13th Sziget festival is likely to bring in a profit. Work was already starting on dismantling the Main Stage after the Good Charlotte concert on Tuesday, and the clean-up operation will last around 10 days.

This year's Sziget set new records both for ticket sales and audience numbers. Some 70,000 people were on the island on August 13 - more than ever before. Last year's record of 369,000 visitors certainly fell this year.

A medical team with 380 staff was in attendance on the Sziget. They included six doctors, 25 senior nurses and more than 80 people on patrol. They were helped in their work by a team of first-aiders and two ambulances.

The medical staff had to deal with 2,500 cases, mostly relating to hypothermia and allergies. The ambulances were dispatched 50 times. There were 74 pubs, 40 food stalls and 3 sweetcorn stands, as well as 80 stalls selling trinkets and souvenirs.

Personal hygiene was better catered for this year, with a 10% more toilets and showers available. New, up-to-date portable shower units were available at the festival for the first time this year. A total of 1150 toilets and 1000 washrooms and showers were deployed. Two tons of disinfectant chemicals and 80,000 roles of toilet paper also played their role during the festival.

Partiers out on the island produced around 3,500 cubic metres of refuse during their week of fun. This is only an estimate, because the clean-up is set to go on for days after the last reveler leaves the island.

There were some concerns about the sound systems on the smaller stages. One Hungarian performer, András Hajós of the group Emil Rulez said that he would not perform next year unless something was done. "The problem is that whilst they're happy to spend countless millions of forints to make sure Korn sounds good - and fair enough - we don't get the same investment...And that hurts," he wrote on his blog.

hvg360 Bábel Vilmos 2025. január. 10. 09:30

A szélsőjobb és Elon Musk migrációs népszavazást csinálna a német választásból, pedig sokkal többről szól

Egy végtelenül rossz hangulatban lévő Németország választ magának új képviselőket február 23-án. Gazdaság- és társadalompolitikai krízis van az országban, és ezt mostanra mindenki megérezte. Ez sok más nyugati demokráciára is igaz, de a németek jobban megszenvedik, mert a bukott modellt a sajátjuknak érezhették. Nem valószínű, hogy egy új kancellár alapvető kérdésekben másfelé vinné az országot, mint az elődje. Az ajánlat inkább az, hogy jobban csinálna hasonló dolgokat, kis változtatásokkal. A szélsőjobb közben a migráció kérdésében közelebb került a közhangulathoz, mint bármelyik másik párt. Az osztrák példától félnek a demokratikus pártok.