2008. április. 17. 13:39 MTI Utolsó frissítés: 2008. április. 17. 13:36 English version

Hungary asks US to help clamp down on far-right - paper

Hungary has asked the United States to help investigate far-right activities in the country, according to unnamed sources cited by business weekly HVG.

The weekly, published on Thursday, said the Ministry of Justice has asked the US to help investigate the activities of the far-right news portal kuruc.info as well as the Arrows of Hungarians National Liberation Army, which is allegedly linked to it.

The "Arrows" have claimed responsibility for a series of petrol bombings of houses of Socialist MPs earlier this year and for assaulting and seriously beating a TV presenter late last year.

The Hungarian authorities are "groping about in the dark," said the paper, and they are even uncertain about the existence of the organisation.

The attackers' e-mails claiming responsibility originated from the same US-based server which hosts kuruc.info, a far-right website in ideological kinship with terrorists.

Hungary first turned to the US last year when the news portal published the names, phone numbers and photographs of Hungarian judges. The request was rejected on the grounds that US laws do not qualify the publication of personal data as a crime as long as it does not involve incitement for violence.
Kult Balla István, Németh Róbert 2025. január. 11. 20:00

„Amúgy a nők is káromkodnak” – interjú cserihannával és Lenkkével

Egyre több női előadó tör be a magyar popzenébe, érezhető egyfajta „girl power” a területen. Nemrég jött ki például cserihannának (polgári nevén Cseri Hannának) Hirtelen mélyül, Lenkke_-nek (Fehér Lili) pedig Törik a beton címmel új albuma, ennek apropóján nemcsak a dalokról és a csajos zenékről, hanem a Z generációról, a káromkodásról és a kommentekről is beszélgettünk.