Plázs 2015. november. 24. 09:26

Fotók: Egy pár a lehető legkreatívabban éli meg a távkapcsolatot

Hétezer kilométer választja el a két művészt, de az Instagramra feltöltött fotókon mindig találkoznak.

Danbi Shin és Seok Li két dél-koreai kreatív, akik jelenleg hétezer kilométer távolságban, és tizennégy órás időeltolódásban élnek egymáshoz képest. Egyikük Washingtonban, másikuk Szöulban él. Azonban megtalálták a módját, hogy ennek ellenére is naponta "lássák egymást".

A shinliart néven futó Instagram-oldalra töltik fel azokat a képeket, ahol szembenéznek egymással, vagy épp összevágnak egy-egy nagyon hasonló témát a hétköznapjaikból. A képekhez pedig néha kisebb üzeneteket is fűznek.

03 : Pass / 지나감 (2015 Triumphal Arch, Washington square Park NY / 서울 서대문구 독립문) 우리의 시간이 지나가면 우리의 이야기도 지나갑니다. 우리의 지난 시간을 기억하고자합니다. 그대의 어젯밤이 지나면 내가 그 밤을 오늘과 함께 받겠습니다. - When our time passes by, our story also passes by. Let’s remember our time that had passed by. When your last ‘night’ passes by, I will receive it with the offer of ‘today’. - The new collage presented by ShinDanbiLiSeok, which usually focuses in the realms of installation art and media art, is a project created by the two in different places while sharing their daily lives. The two artists are currently far from each other in Seoul and New York. We adjusting the position of the phone call and smooth paste take photos. This project name is “Half&half". Their art started with a simple thought of wondering if anything can be created while being away from eachother. The photos are taken simultaneously despite 14 hour difference. The project aims to discover the similarites during the course of a completely different lifestyle between New York and Seoul. - #신단비이석예술 #SHINLIART - NewYork in SHINDANBI Seoul in LISEOK - Art Collaboration - Half&half PROJECT_Collage_2015 #USA#KOREA#한국#미국#뉴욕#서울#홍대#디자인#예술#예술가#전시#사진#콜라보레이션#콜라주#롱디#럽스타그램#커플#디자이너#아트디렉터#LDR#longD#사랑#art#artist#halfnhalf#halfhalf#combo#half

LISEOK ✖️ SHINDANBI (@shinliart) által közzétett fénykép,

01 : Meet / 만남 (2015 Brooklyn Bridge, NY / 서울 덕수궁 옆 돌담길) 길을 걷다가 그대를 마주합니다. 우리는 같은 시간 다른 공간에서 같은 마음으로 서로를 바라봅니다. 그대가 보고싶고 그대를 만났습니다. - I stand before you after a walk. We gaze at each other and share the same feeling at the same time but from a different place. I miss you and I have met you. - The new collage presented by ShinDanbiLiSeok, which usually focuses in the realms of installation art and media art, is a project created by the two in different places while sharing their daily lives. The two artists are currently far from each other in Seoul and New York. We adjusting the position of the phone call and smooth paste take photos. This project name is “Half&half". Their art started with a simple thought of wondering if anything can be created while being away from eachother. The photos are taken simultaneously despite 14 hour difference. The project aims to discover the similarites during the course of a completely different lifestyle between New York and Seoul. - #신단비이석예술 #SHINLIART - NewYork in SHINDANBI Seoul in LISEOK - Art Collaboration - Half&half PROJECT_Collage_2015 #USA#KOREA#한국#미국#뉴욕#서울#홍대#디자인#예술#예술가#전시#사진#콜라보레이션#콜라주#롱디#럽스타그램#커플#디자이너#아트디렉터#LDR#longD#사랑#art#artist#halfnhalf#halfhalf#combo#half

LISEOK ✖️ SHINDANBI (@shinliart) által közzétett fénykép,

Icecream������ #신단비이석예술 #SHINLIART - NewYork in SHINDANBI Seoul in LISEOK - The new collage presented by ShinDanbiLiSeok, which usually focuses in the realms of installation art and media art, is a project created by the two in different places while sharing their daily lives. The two artists are currently far from each other in Seoul and New York. We adjusting the position of the phone call and smooth paste take photos. This project name is “Half&half". Their art started with a simple thought of wondering if anything can be created while being away from eachother. The photos are taken simultaneously despite 14 hour difference. The project aims to discover the similarites during the course of a completely different lifestyle between New York and Seoul. - Art Collaboration - Half&half PROJECT_Collage_2015 #USA#KOREA#한국#미국#뉴욕#서울#홍대#디자인#예술#예술가#전시#사진#콜라보레이션#콜라주#롱디#럽스타그램#커플#디자이너#아트디렉터#LDR#longD#사랑#art#artist#halfnhalf#halfhalf#combo#half

LISEOK ✖️ SHINDANBI (@shinliart) által közzétett fénykép,

신단비이석예술. SHINLIART.

LISEOK ✖️ SHINDANBI (@shinliart) által közzétett fénykép,