A múzeumi kurátorok újabb lökést adtak a járványidőszak kihívásainak.
Hatalmas küzdelem zajlik az online térben a múzeumi kurátorok között, miután a Yorkshire Múzeum azzal a felhívással jelentkezett a Twitteren, hogy gyűjtsék össze a legjobb, legmeggyőzőbb, legizgalmasabb fenekeket.
A kezdeményezés nem titkolt célja, hogy a koronavírus-járvány miatt kieső látogatókat visszacsábítsák majd a múzeumokba. De addig is lehetőséget biztosítanak nekik a múzeumi hátsók alapos virtuális megvizsgálására.
A #BestMuseumBum hashtag mentén rengeteg pályamű futott be a világ minden tájáról, lehet szemezgetni:
— Yorkshire Museum (@YorkshireMuseum) June 26, 2020
Today’s theme is #BestMuseumBum!
This cracking Roman marble statuette depicts an athlete at the peak of fitness! It may have decorated the town house of one of Eboracum’s wealthier residents. Has someone taken a bite out of this ������?
BEAT THAT!������ pic.twitter.com/N3A6KYz339
We raise your athlete and instead give you the bum of a drunken fish. Yes you heard me.
— York Art Gallery (@YorkArtGallery) June 26, 2020
Made by Pamela Mei Yee Leung, it was part of a body of work which married animals and humans together to create mythological creatures with personalities. #BestMuseumBum #CuratorBattle pic.twitter.com/qUAa3NgGcG
Same derriere, different decade
— Royal Armouries (@Royal_Armouries) June 26, 2020
You can track Henry VIII's burgeoning bottom through our collection of his combat armours. The Tudor tubster went from a modest 32in waist in 1520 to a whopping 51in booty by 1540.
A 60% increase in trunk junk ������ pic.twitter.com/vpx9mQyCpA
For today’s #CURATORBATTLE (or perhaps #CURATORREBUTTAL?) theme of #BestMuseumBum, we present Hercules knocking it out of the park...
— Wallace Collection (@WallaceMuseum) June 26, 2020
A work by the goldsmith Francesco Pomarano, this boxwood statuette was already a celebrated piece in the #sixteenthcentury.#WallaceFromHome pic.twitter.com/3LoD6JkIOa
How about these bums of SUMO wrestlers in our collections? These bums were painted by Hokusai!! #CURATORBATTLE #BestMuseumBum #おうちで浮世絵 pic.twitter.com/DH4rAyQ8Xs
— 太田記念美術館 Ota Memorial Museum of Art (@ukiyoeota) June 26, 2020
Les musées lancent le concours mondial du plus joli petit cul #BestMuseumBum https://t.co/FVcb8YgBUq pic.twitter.com/mvY8Jm0I5n
— Brain Magazine (@brainmagazine) July 8, 2020