Itthon 2010. október. 07. 10:10

Toxic sludge ravages 3 townships in Hungary, 7 killed

A red mud reservoir burst on the 4th of October in Ajka, Hungary, spilling approximately 1 million cubic meters of toxic industrial waste of the Ajkai Timföldgyár alumina plant, flooding 3 villages. At least seven people are confirmed killed with one more reported missing. More than 120 people have suffered injuries, mostly chemical burns, 7 of them are in critical conditon. The Hungarian government has declared a state of emergency in three affected counties. The cleanup could take at least a year with an estimated cost of at least ten million dollars, however it is unknown that the are will become habitable again.

The toxic flood reached 2 meters in height in some places, causing immense destruction as it hit nearby Kolontár, Devecser and Somlóvásárhely. The torrent covered gardens, cars, it flooded homes and it basically wiped out all forms of life in the Marcal river. Those who came in contact with the red sludge suffered chemical burns and other injuries. Two people are in critical condition, six others suffered serious injuries. Most of the victims were treated at the Ajka hospital, but those with the most serious injuries where transported via helicopter to hospitals in Győr city and the capital, Budapest.

Help the victims of the toxic flood!

If you can help the people of the affected Devecser and Kolontár please don"t hesitate!

Send your donation to official bank account of the Hungarian Red Cross.


For targeted donation don't forget fill subject field: "ISZAP".

IBAN: HU37 1040 5004 0002 6547 0000 0000



For detailed information please visit the official website of the Hungarian Red Cross!

The National Disaster Protection Agency (NDPA) dispatched 500 rescue workers with an additional 100 members of the Hungarian Army equipped with chemical protection gear to begin cleanup and rescue operations. Jenő Lasztovicza, chairman of the Hungarian government’s defence committee said earlier, that the main goal is to relieve the situation and to allow the people to return to their homes as soon as possible. The government provides immediate financial aid for the rescue efforts, while the National Bureau of Investigations (NBI) began investigating if there was any human error that contributed to the disaster.

Zoltán Illés State Secretary for Environmental Affairs suspended the operating permit of Magyar Alumíniumtermelő és Kereskedelmi Zrt., the company that owns the reservoir that flooded the villages. Officials of the company have said that heavy amounts of rain during the summer have weakened the walls of the reservoir, that lead to the breach.

In pictures: toxic sludge flood in Hungary
Stiller Ákos

The NDPA rescue workers have poured large amounts of plaster into the affected Marcal river to alleviate the alkaline properties of the red mud, however, Tibor Dobson, spokesman of the NDPA said all life in the river was wiped out by pH levels of the extremely toxic sludge reaching 12. The spokesperson said, in order to save the Rába and Danube rivers, the pH of the sludge has to be decreased to at least 9.

Viktor Orbán, Hungarian prime minister visited the disaster area visited the area on Wednesday. The politician was quoted saying: „restoration work is futile, the area is no longer suited for living.”

hvg360 Pálúr Krisztina 2025. január. 03. 19:45

„Szüleink és nagyszüleink rutinszerűen spóroltak” – de lehet-e egyszerre takarékoskodni és egészségesen étkezni?

Érezhetően tovább drágultak az élelmiszerek, sokaknak kell még szorosabbra húzni a nadrágszíjat, és ez nem kellemes érzés. Balázs Barbara újságíró és takarékos gasztroblogger könyve útmutató ahhoz, hogyan lehet a házikoszttal takarékoskodni, milyen a mértékletes konyha, és hogyan győzhetjük le a kisebbségi komplexusainkat, ha főzésről van szó. <strong>Mit érdemes megtartani a régi idők szokásaiból</strong>, és hogyan spóroljanak, akik speciális diétára szorulnak?