Németh Róbert
Szerzőnk Németh Róbert

Tom Anderson (Myspace Tom) annak idején több mint félmilliárd dollárt rakott zsebre a közösségi felületért, most hobbijának él.

Anderson – mindenki első Myspace-barátja – egész pontosan 580 millió dollárt keresett, amikor 2005-ben eladta a Myspace-t Rupert Murdoch News Corporation cégének – nem is szállt ki rossz ütemben, ugyanis a Myspace a Facebook feltűnésével és megerősödésével az évtized vége felé el is veszítette jelentőségét.

Tom 2010 után már nem is volt a belépők első Myspace-kontaktja – helyére a hagyományőrző Today On Myspace (TOM) user lépett.

Az egykori tulajdonos azóta leginkább visszavonultan, hobbijának, az utazásnak és a fotózásnak/videózásnak él.

Képeit/videóit itt lehet megnézni.

Ilyen képeket csinál:

OK, the time is here! ������The contest winner shall be announced! ������Woah, I was overwhelmed, you people are excited about Iceland, and with good reason! ������ It’s truly one of a kind. The winner is… Wait, let me tell you about this photo first. OK, just kidding. ������ The winner is, drum roll please… @drichede (!!!) ������������������From what I can tell she seems to be an Italian girl who is also a jewelry designer. I would congratulate her by name, but I’m not sure what her name is, I’m going to slide into her DM right now! Haha.. And as for this photo, I posted it a few days ago and all you sharp shooters notice that it was in low-resolution. ������I felt so ashamed I deleted it and re-uploaded, so here you go a nice clean version! And yes, this is a real waterfall in Iceland and yes the water really is that blue!! Something about the minerals in the river create this color, I forget why… Someone smarter than me can probably tell us all? But it’s truly a site to behold, just like many things in Iceland! I’m thinking of doing another Iceland give away because people were so into it.. Should I, Should I?? ������Let me know your thoughts… And I’m about to do another Hawaiian ������giveaway as well. This time, for the Big Island - the island with the lava running into the water! ������������Lava pouring into the ocean is one thing I think everyone should put on their bucket list!! I’m going to the Hawaii tomorrow morning (and will actually meet the winner of the first contest). After a day in Oahu, I’m headed to the Big Island on Friday. Hopefully I will return to Instagram with an amazing lava-entering-the-water shot!! (My fave!!) ������For now, hope you all enjoy this little peaceful river in Iceland, cause my next photo is gonna bring the fire!! (Or at least I hope… haha) ������

Tom Anderson (@myspacetom) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Meg ilyeneket:

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