2007. január. 17. 18:37 hvg.hu Utolsó frissítés: 2007. január. 17. 18:40 English version

Spokesman denies Lendvai's claims

The spokesman for the Hungarian civilian secret services has denied to hvg.hu that he worked for the counter-intelligence agency in the 1950s. Peter Vajda was reacting to allegations made by the noted Austrian-Hungarian columnist Paul Lendvai, who told hvg.hu from Vienna that Peter Vajda had been a "a journalist-informer of the Stalin era known throughout the city."

In his interview, Lendvai quoted his semi-autobiographical work Crossing the Border, in which he wrote serving alongside Vajda during his military service. Vajda had behaved like a close friend while watching him all the time and delivering regular reports to the counter-intelligence services. Some 10 years later, in December 1960, Nepszabadsag published an article fiercely critical of Lendvai. Vajda wrote this piece under the pseudonym Mohacsi, the columnist claims.

But Peter Vajda denies the allegations. He said: "Lendvai's bases his claim that I watched him on his own 2002 book. He has no other source.

For the benefit of those who have not read his book, he claims that in the platoon where we both served, there was a deputy officer who pulled him aside and warned him to be careful with me, because I had told him that I was the informant and that I was collecting information about Lendvai for the security services. He does not say who the officer in question was. That's all the evidence Lendvai has.

I'd add that I was not observing Lendvai, and I have no idea who told him otherwise."

Vajda also mentioned the Nepszabadsag article, supposedly written by one Istvan Mohacsi, which attacked Lendvai. He also mentioned a report written by a then-correspondent for the Hungarian Press Agency.

"Supposedly, I beamed at him one day in the newsroom, telling him I'd written the article, and that I hoped they would continue allowing me into Austria. As far as the article is concerned, all I have to say is that I did not write the article, and I never talked to that agency correspondent in the newsroom. I only met him once, long before that date. The person in question stayed in the West, and I believe he has now died."

hvg360 Lenthár Balázs 2025. március. 06. 20:00

A monarchia legsúlyosabb kémbotránya: Redl ezredes valódi története sokkal izgalmasabb, mint a ponyvákba kívánkozó verziók

Alfred Redl ezredest az elmúlt több mint 100 évben sok mindennek tartották, volt ő a legförtelmesebb hazaárulás megtestesítője, a hírszerző szolgálatok játszmájában homoszexualitásával zsarolt áldozat, vagy ahogyan Szabó István ábrázolja filmjében, az Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia önnön nemzeti gyökereitől elidegenedett hivatalnoki karának jellegzetes figurája, aki a megfelelés érdekében előbb a múltját, majd a családját és a barátait, végül önmagát árulja el. De ki volt Redl ezredes valójában, és milyen magyarországi szála volt a nevével fémjelzett kémbotránynak?