2006. április. 12. 14:18 Ungváry Krisztián Utolsó frissítés: 2006. április. 12. 14:23 English version

Guess who is next?

Sources close to Fidesz have claimed the party leadership spent little time dealing with Ibolya David's eight points, regarding them merely as a basis for negotiation. The Fidesz leadership suggested in a letter to Ibolya David that Akos Bod Peter could be a joint prime ministerial candidate. Bod Peter's task would be to lead the country out of its present situation. Akos Bod Peter was the Antall government's finance minister and president of the National Bank of Hungary.

Political analysts believe Orban is positioning himself for the situation following the elections. He already knows that Fidesz cannot win the second round, and wishes to avoid being a losing candidate.

This would also allow him to drop Mikola, the party's candidate for deputy prime minister, who has become a burden.

If Ibolya David is not prepared to discuss Orban's proposal and Fidesz is obliged to fight the second round alone, then observers believe Orban would still refuse to serve as a candidate and would nominate Mihaly Varga, citing a situation of economic near-crisis as a reason.

hvg360 Keresztes Imre 2024. november. 29. 16:30

Kiejtheti a diplomáciai körforgásból Netanjahut a hágai elfogatóparancs, hiába ítélte el azt az USA és sok más ország

A Benjamin Netanjahu kormányfő elleni jogi fenyegetettség korlátok közé szorítja Izraelt. Még akkor is, ha az ICC által háborús bűnök miatt kiadott letartóztatási parancsot több állam – köztük Magyarország – elítélte. Közben odahaza korrupciós ügyének újabb felvonásával szembesül az izraeli miniszterelnök.