2005. október. 25. 19:18 hvg.hu Utolsó frissítés: 2005. október. 25. 19:29 English version

CEU Business School among the best in the region

The Financial Times published its rankings of the worlds Executive MBA courses. The Central European University Business School in Budapest is ranked highest of all the courses in Central and Eastern Europe.

The CEU Business School is the only course in the region to feature in the Top 20, alongside leading American and Western European schools.
The course, which the school runs in cooperation with partner universities, was ranked in the 16th place this year.

The FT ranks courses according to the labour market position of its graduates, their income levels before and after the course, career development, quality of education and other factors.

The CEU Business School course assessed is its International Master in Management (IMM). Four business schools contribute to the course - Krannert (Purdue University in the USA), Tias (Tilburg University in the Netherlands), Gisma Business School in Germany and the CEU's own Graduate School of Business.

This is the FT's fifth annual global business school ranking. The assessment was based on questionnaires filled in by some 3,000 teachers and many more former students from 85 different universities.

CEU achieved a distinguished ranking for several different factors. The school comes top in terms of "International Course Experience,"which measures the number of classes that are held abroad.

Since the CEU's Executive MBA is run jointly with four international universities, students can learn to deal with different approaches, American, West European and Central and East European.

CEU also comes second in terms of "Aims Achieved". This figure measures the extent to which alumni feel that the course contributed to their achieving their professional goals.

hvg360 Tornyos Kata 2025. január. 07. 12:00

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