2005. május. 06. 11:57 hvg.hu Utolsó frissítés: 2005. május. 06. 12:00 English version

Gov’t Hits Waiters, Builders In Cleanup Drive

Waiters’ tips should be included in restaurants’ bills as a service fee and construction projects worth more than HUF 30 million will face stricter conditions for building permits, according to the government’s latest proposal aiming to eliminate unreported incomes and labor.

The government suggests that restaurants should add a service fee of up to 15% to their bills so that tips can be accounted for officially. Thus tips could become subject to personal income tax. Restaurants will be entitled to decide about the exact size of the fee.

In the construction sector, one out of three people works illegally, which results in a HUF 100 billion loss for the state budget, Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány said at a press conference. According to the government’s plans, when applying for a building permit, the applicant will be expected to report the anticipated costs of the construction, its beginning and the name of the main contractor. Before issuing a housing permit, authorities will check if the costs of building can be substantiated by invoices.

The government has passed an amendment of the Civil Code, according to which managers of companies employing staff illegally could face more severe punishment than earlier, such as imprisonment.


hvg360 Mátraházi Zsuzsa 2025. január. 10. 19:30

Sabján Adrienn kajatortacukrász: „Olyasmit nem vállalok el, amit jobb, ha nem látnak a hűtőbe bekukucskáló gyermekeim”

Jól fizető szakmából piaci szempontból a legrosszabbkor váltott, mégis sikerre vitte vállalkozását. Furcsán indult, de a hermelintorta sem fogott ki rajta. Megküzdött „véres” feladattal is, de nemet mondott a szülést ábrázoló tortára. Elárulja, hogy már nem igazán szereti az édességet, de persze mindent megkóstol, amit készít, és a versenytársak termékeit is elemeznie kell. HVG-portré.