2005. február. 07. 10:44 hvg.hu Utolsó frissítés: 2005. február. 07. 10:49 English version

Hungarian Accused Of War Crimes

The Budapest Military Prosecution started an investigation against Charles Zentai, 86, a Hungarian living in Australia, with charges of war crimes.

Zentai was found in a search for former Nazi war criminals started by Jerusalem-based Simon Wiesenthal Center last year. In its search called “Last Chance,” the Center collects documents on alleged war criminals and sends them to the foreign ministries of the countries in question. In Hungary the Foreign Ministry sends the documents to the prosecution, which decides whether an investigation is necessary.

Several witnesses have stated that on Nov. 8, 1944 Zentai, with other soldiers, tortured, killed and then threw into the Danube an 18-year-old man, of probably Jewish origin, who was fleeing from Arrow-Cross soldiers. Zentai denies the charges. After World War II., two of Zentai’s comrades were punished for manslaughter, while he fled to Germany and later emigrated to Australia.